<aside> πŸ“ Hey there ! Thank you for downloading my To-do List ! I really hope it will be helpful for you to be more productive πŸ“ˆ

You can follow the guide below to learn how to use it πŸ‘‡


Create a new task

That’s it ! You have now the keys to be more productive than ever ! Do not hesitate to reach me on Instagram @johe.so if you have any question, I will be pleased to answer them !


<aside> 🌟 Found this helpful ? [Leave a 5 stars review.](https://itsjohe.gumroad.com/l/travelplanner?_gl=1*12rulrb*_ga*MTU5OTI2MDY5NS4xNzEwMzQxNDgz*_ga_6LJN6D94N6*MTcxMDM0MTQ4OS4xLjEuMTcxMDM0NDE2MC4wLjAuMA..) It helps me a lot :)


<aside> ➑️ Check out my other Notion templates here.


<aside> πŸ“± Want to follow my journey ? Connect with me on Instagram.


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